Bringing Nature Inside: Helping Kids with Cancer

Bringing Nature Inside Helping Kids with Cancer

Photo by Sixteen Miles on Unsplash

When a child is diagnosed with cancer, their world can quickly become confined to hospital rooms and treatment centers. During this challenging time, it’s important to create a healing environment that promotes their well-being and supports their emotional and physical recovery. As a matter of fact, one great way to achieve this is by bringing nature inside!  Here are some ideas on how families can incorporate nature into their child’s surroundings.  This can help lift their spirits, reduce stress, and even enhance their healing process.

Indoor Plants

Having plants inside the house can make it feel more natural. In general, choose resilient plants that are easy to take care of, like spider plants, snake plants, or peace lilies. They require minimal maintenance and can thrive in different lighting conditions. Plus, they not only add greenery but can also improve air quality.

Nature-Inspired Artwork

Art has a powerful impact on our emotions. It can serve as a constant reminder of the beauty and tranquility found in the natural world.  Moreover, this can make us feel calm and happy. 

Consider hanging nature inspired artwork or create a mural depicting serene landscapes, colorful gardens, or vibrant animals. Your child might want to create their own artwork showing beautiful nature scenes. Or you might want to ask local artists or friends to help create something special.

Bringing Nature Inside through Natural Sounds

Playing soothing nature sounds such as rain, ocean waves, or birds singing can create a peaceful atmosphere. These sounds can also help reduce anxiety and provide a sense of relaxation. Numerous apps and websites offer a wide range of nature sounds to choose from, allowing you to find the perfect ambiance for your child’s comfort. You can play all these sounds on a variety of electronics including on laptops like the ones Mikey’s Way distributes.

Sensory Gardens

Consider creating a sensory garden or a smaller indoor version using potted plants and various textured materials.  Incorporate elements such as aromatic herbs, different textures of leaves, and colorful flowers that your child can touch, smell, and engage with.  These sensory experiences can provide a therapeutic effect, allowing your child to connect with nature through their senses.

Natural Light

Try to let in as much light as possible during the day. Natural light has been shown to positively affect mood, enhance sleep patterns, and promote vitamin D production.

Nature-themed Reading Nooks – Bringing Nature Inside

Create a cozy reading nook filled with books about nature, wildlife, and adventure. It can be a quiet and relaxing space where your child can escape and enjoy reading or writing in their own journal.  This is a wonderful way to connect with nature through the power of words.

Indoor Gardens

If your child is feeling well enough, consider making an indoor garden or small hydroponic system indoors. Growing plants, herbs, or even vegetables can be a rewarding and educational experience. It provides an opportunity for your child to care for living things, witness the growth process, and enjoy the fruits of their labor. It will also help your child appreciate the beauty of nature and foster a deeper appreciation for nature’s cycles.

The Benefits of Incorporating the Elements of Nature by Bringing Nature Inside

Incorporating elements of nature into a child’s surroundings can bring numerous benefits during their cancer journey.  By creating an environment that emulates the soothing and healing aspects of nature, families can support their child’s emotional well-being reduce stress, and enhance the overall healing process.

Indoor plants, nature-inspired artwork, natural sounds, sensory experiences, natural light, reading nooks, and indoor gardens can all contribute to a happier and more connected atmosphere. These simple ideas can provide a nurturing and uplifting atmosphere that promotes hope, positivity, and connection with the natural world. And they will help lift your child’s spirits, reduce stress, and support their overall well-being during their cancer journey.