Mikey’s Way Gifts Bring Relief

Mikey Friedman founded Mikey’s Way to help pediatric cancer patients cope with what he felt was, “perhaps the most difficult burden: the psychological challenges of cancer treatment.” Not only do Mikey’s Way gifts bring relief but they also provide a pathway out of the boredom and isolation that occurs with treatment.
The Wish List program is an integral part of Mikey’s vision. These Mikey’s Way gifts bring relief because they provide a lifeline to the outside world. In fact they can provide a connection to the children’s friends, family, and classmates. In addition they help combat the long hours of treatment, the intense loneliness and sense of isolation.
Setting the Wheels in Motion for a Wish List Gift
Child Life Specialists and Social Workers on pediatric cancer floors set the wheels in motion as they facilitate Wish List requests. But it’s the patients themselves who select the electronic they’d most like. In fact, being given the opportunity to make their own choice is very empowering. It is particularly important at a time when they have lost control of decision making.
Making a Difference
Mikey’s Way gifts bring relief and truly do make a difference as you’ll read in these notes from grateful families. And, you can tell by their smiling faces, that relief has arrived!
Photos, videos and stories just like these, illustrate the importance of helping kids cope with cancer… Mikey’s Way!

Hello and thank you for your wonderful gift! I was able to snap a few pics of miss Warrior Addy, even one of her smiling and saying thank you! Thank you again for all your help! Your foundation is absolutely wonderful! Addy’s Mom

I would like to thank you for the computers for my children. Both my children are diagnosed with neurofibromatosis. The laptops will be a big help for their school.
Thank you so much. Angel and Alexis’s family

Thank you for the amazing gift. Brandon was extremely happy with he’s new laptop! He loves to use it for school work and gaming. Thank you from Brandon’s family.

Thank you, thank you Mikey’s Way for Ryan’s Google Chromebook. He is receiving his bone marrow transplant while catching up on his schoolwork. You made him so happy that he has his own computer!! Ryan’s Mom

Our son, Jameson, recently received a laptop from Mike’s Way. We wanted to thank the organization for the generous gift! Jameson was diagnosed with Leukemia December 9th. This laptop will be very helpful as he transitions to being home schooled as he cannot return to school for the rest of this year. We are just beginning our journey with Jameson but want to thank you for the encouragement this organization has brought to our family.
Thanks again for making a difference in the lives of kids with cancer. Jameson’s Family